Taylor Made

Taylor Made

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

KIDS: Sometimes they're sour, sometimes they're sweet, but ALWAYS, they’re funny

Oh hello, it's me again, after radio silence of literal YEARS.

I know, I know, blogging is now an almost fully antiquated, archaic process, but guess what? SO AM I. Since I intend to print out the entries, and need a central location, I regret to inform, the blog shall continue!

Here are some funny things I had recorded in my phone (regrettably, I do not have the ages, but my last update was 2021 in this note, so the boys would have been around 4 and 6.)


Unusual Bedtime lullaby requests:
-This is Halloween (literally, me singing This is Halloween, trying to do all the voices while mumbling the words I mostly do NOT KNOW)
-Spooky Scary Skeletons
-"Scary" (aka the Phantom of the Opera interlude. I sing the INSTRUMENTAL PART LOL!)

Me, making Uriah a sandwich - "Thank you, sandwich maker!"

Laying next to Uriah in bed: " Mama, you're a Princess...and I can be your King. And Daddy can be...a King, too! And Elijah can be a King, too. We can be a family of Kings and Queens!"

*Uriah comes downstairs while I'm folding laundry* Uriah, go upstairs, Mama needs to fold laundry and I need all the bed space for the clothes. "Mama...BC I love you." 

Uriah saying he wants some hot dog popsicles - (CORN DOGS!)

Uriah, what do you want to be when you grow up? "Pea Shooter!" (a character from his Plants vs. Zombies game)
Elijah chimes in "I want to be Uncle Travis!" (their favorite RBT)

After Rob and I came home from a date night, Uriah gave us a big hug saying, "I so happy you are here!"

Uriah prayer - "Thank you for Mommy, and Daddy, and love."

Uriah: "I smell a little stinky (sniffs armpit). Me- "No you don't!" Uriah, taking another sniff: "Yes, I a little stinky, like you."

Uriah comes to me in the morning, waking me up. I ask, "Whose breath stinks?" He smells his and says, "Mine, and Yours."

One day, Uriah was upset with me because I sent him to his room for being wild. He had ripped a picture on his wall (it was one of me and him). When he came down and I told him I wanted to talk to him, he burst into tears saying, "I made a mistake, I made a mistake!" I said, "What mistake?" "I ripped your picture." The next day, out of nowhere, he said, "I never do it again!" I said, "What won't you do again?" "Rip your picture." The following day, he came to me and said, "Mommy, can we get a new one?" (the ripped one was still on the wall. He then put his angry bird sticker over the rip on the photo to mend it.)

Uriah to Elijah - "Elijah, you have to eat healthy; if you don't you be ugly"



Elijah, getting the last 3 of his 20 stuffed animals into his crib after begging (we wanted less bc they take over so much of the bed!) "Yay, all my friends." He is still a stuffies kid to this day!

"Bye pretty Mom, and handsome sir Daddy!"

"Elijah is the loudest singer in class" (Preschool - this is a surprise because Elijah tends to be more shy, at least in the beginning)

Elijah: "Mommy, I have a question!" *Leans in and whispers loudly* "I LOVE YOU!!"

Me, to Elijah: "We are having yummy stew for dinner!" Elijah: "Not stinky stuff?"

Me, to Elijah: "Want to help me?" Elijah, LOUDLY: "YES I DO WANT TO HELP YOU!"  "OK, let's put this stuff in the dryer!" "Yeah, the dryer, not the wetter!"

Discussion at dinner table, talking about Rob's birthday "Daddy! You're almost a man!" Me: "What about Mommy? Am I a man?" Elijah: "No, old lady! You're an old lady!"

*Uriah, telling a story and taking long to get to the point, repeatedly using the word, "ever"  ..........   Elijah: "THATS TOO MUCH EVERS." Uriah continuing his story, trying to say the word Titanic, but jumbling it a bit. Elijah: "Uriah, that's not even how you spell Titanic!!"

That's it for now! With these two, I'm sure I will have much more content in no TIME!

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