Taylor Made

Taylor Made

Saturday, November 16, 2019

More funny sayings - Uriah Oct. 2019

Me: Uriah, do you want avocado toast for breakfast? Does that sound good?
Uriah: That sounds...(pause)...bad. Sounds stinky. (we use the "Everything but the Bagel Seasoning" and it does have garlic and onion in it. lol)

Me, eating a cucumber for a snack, and offering some to Uriah: Cucumbers are yummy and crunchy!
Uriah: It's yucky and NO.

After telling Uriah to get his backpack (along with other multiple ignored directions), I told him with a stern voice, "Uriah! You aren't listening good this morning!"
He replied in an equally stern voice, "MAMA. NO SPANK ME."
I told him I wasn't going to spank him, but I needed to scold him because I asked him nicely many times, and he still wasn't listening. Uriah: "MAMA, you bad guy." SO DRAMATIC.

Rob, watching football, cheers at the TV. Uriah: “TOO LOUD, DADDY.”

Uriah is chasing Elijah when he suddenly falls. Elijah starts crying. 
Uriah: “Elijah, you ok?... Don’t worry I call the ambulance.” (Picks up play telephone) “Hello?.. Someone is hurt.”

Bringing Uriah home from school- 
Me: Guess who's gonna be home when we get home?
Uriah: Dracula?

Uriah: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy....DADDY...

Sometimes I take Uriah and Elijah to get a treat on the way home from school. The treat is often a donut from Dunkin Donuts, which is their absolute favorite. On the way, I told Uriah that I was getting the donuts if they continued to behave well. Out of the blue Uriah says very seriously, "And Elijah....he's not listening!" (Mind you, Elijah was quietly looking out the window minding his business) Someone definitely wanted Elijah's share of donut! Once we got the donuts, I told the boys we would eat the donuts when we got home (it's only a 5 minute drive). Uriah reiterated, "Donuts are for at home, and Elijah go moemoe! (nap time)"  AGAIN trying to keep Elijah from getting some donuts. Very cutthroat about these donuts!

At Uriah's school, rather than to use the phrase "no," they use the phrase, "that's not available."  While playing with some dinosaurs at home, Uriah was creating a dialogue between characters. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard in a sing-song voice (I guess the make-believe tone of voice?) "That's not available." HA! Little sponge, I tell ya.

Not a funny saying, but whenever I wear some lipstick or my hair down (apparently, it's rare enough that it gets noticed), Uriah will notice and say, "Mama. You pretty." It's been a few times now, but it makes me smile every single time! What a sweet boy we have!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...Even though I had already heard about some of these expressions, I stilled LOLed (literally) to read them again!! Kids are sooooooo FUNNY!! and Uriah is so smart!! I'm so glad you have these written down so you will never forget them. They are priceless!!! Loved every single one, and especially how you write them. You are so funny, too!
